This is one of Dr. Lake’s favorite systematic
theologies and it has larger,
readable print that is easy on the eyes.
This set by Dr. Strong should be in every serious bible researcher’s
Each volume is normally $50.00 each or $150.00 for the set. But when you purchase the three-volume set
from Biblical Life Resources, it is available for $75.00!
In the late 1800s, the president of Rochester Theological
Seminary toiled away ceaselessly to complete a very important project. His
intent was to provide his students and colleagues with comprehensive tools to
“rightly divide the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15)
But the finished work that materialized from his devoted
study would go on to change the scholarly world forever.
By 1907, Augustus Hopkins Strong—the same man who compiled
the famously celebrated Strong’s Concordance (1890), an obvious must-have for
any serious student of the Bible—emerged with a new, magnum opus masterpiece:
Systematic Theology.
As the title reveals, its approach to developing a healthy
understanding of foundational Christian doctrine requires placing scattered
scriptural references on any one theological subject together in a single
parent category, reflecting upon the original author’s words in context to
surrounding Scripture, and then thoroughly studying what those verses all have
to say about a theological topic when combined. This practice of organizing
biblical truths into categorical systems make it impossible to casually and
haphazardly take a verse out of context—or to personally approach God with a
weak, flimsy expectation of His order, design, and character—which is why
researchers, students, scholars, and lay believers all over the world have
relied heavily upon Strong’s work since the day it went to print.
Strong’s Systematic Theology is so exhaustive and thorough
that, from the beginning, it required being subdivided into three major
volumes: The Doctrine of God, The Doctrine of Man, and The Doctrine of